Olive & Bay COVID-19 Response

In light of the ongoing COVID-10 pandemic, the world is facing a time of great challenge and uncertainty. During these turbulent times, let us be grateful for all the things that we have and consider what others are going through. 

1 in 5 Canadians have turned to food banks in their life, with over 860,000 people using them each month across the country. With donations on the decline, those who rely on food banks are not getting all the help they need. At Olive & Bay we feel that we must do our part and act in solidarity with those who are more vulnerable. For this reason we are happy to announce that we are partnering with Food Banks Canada by pledging 50% of our online store profits. 

Practice good hand hygiene by washing regularly with olive oil based soaps that will not give you snake-skin and help us join the fight against hunger.